Trainees who develop their practice experience with us do not make a typical choice. They have the guts to choose a lounge with a contemporary, quirky approach in their last academic year. Tackling skin problems and solving effectively in a fully natural way is not something that the average consumer searches for. In any case, not if they follow the marketing messages of the major brands. So why would you do this as a beautician? Ask our end-of-age trainees!
from left to right: Natasja, linden, dilara, fleur.
Aurora Dionis Skincare is recognized as SBB training company. We have been accompanied enthusiastic and competent trainees for more than 10 years to complete their studies certified according to the applicable qualifications of the Anbos. Anbos is the branch organization and representative of qualified beauticians in the Netherlands. The SBB ( cooperation organization Vocational education business) accredits companies that meet the conditions to guide students in practice in order to achieve their final certificate.
Within the practice-oriented training, a lot of attention is paid to customer contact and the actual implementation of the profession. Their training can be:
They are educated to give a caring, relaxed, cosmetic facial treatment. The end-of-year internship at Aurora Dionis Skincare means that the professional is more experienced from fixed procedures and treatment methods. An all-round beautician is able to run your own beauty salon later. After that additional specialized courses are often followed such as micro needling or laser hair removal.
Aurora Dionis itself trains its trainees. They learn to give a coordinated treatment based on highly concentrated pure natural, vegan ingredients. Even if the skin is affected or is very sensitive. The treatment is of course under the supervision of Aurora Dionis. Only New Year's Eve trainees where the passion for the profession, inquiry and skills are present through their end-of-year internship at Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics. In short: our customers are guaranteed in good hands with our trainees.Our trainees give personal and expert attention and this introduction wants to appreciate Aurora Dionis. Until the summer of 2021 the following action runs:
Four face treatments completed by one of our trainees gives a 50% discount on products with a maximum of Û 50.
When making the appointment, the option is to opt for a trainee. That choice can be by telephone or via the Make an online appointment are indicated. The trainees are only available for the treatments in which they are capable.
Of course the same quality is obtained and Aurora personally sees the end result!
* The action runs until July 31, 2021.
The discount can be exchanged once and gives a 50% discount on products to be a maximum of Û 50 reduction.
This discount cannot be used in combination with other actions or at reduced prices. The discount is immediately issued after completing a fourth facial treatment through a trainee and is valid for an exchange for another year.
Do you want to stay informed of our promotions? Subscribe to the newsletter! (On the home page at the bottom.)
All products used include high-quality ingredients that are allergy-certified. All ingredients are selected from expertise and with great care and tailored to the skin in question. Sometimes it is even tailored to clients.
A combination of high-quality, soft and active ingredients that are 100% natural and processed in high concentrations is unique in the Netherlands.
Even the most sensitive, affected skin can tolerate Aurora Dionis products. After years of having had skin problems yourself, Aurora Dionis, medical beautician, his own deed has joined the word: "Every skin balance can improve!"
Used ingredients of Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics are vegan and have certifications such as: AllergyCertified , Ecocert , Skal bio control , Demeter , BDIH , ICEA eco-bio , econtrol . See all ingredients HERE .
Do you follow the Schoonheidsspecialist level 3 or all-round beautician level 4 and are you interested in facials with long-term results? Feel free to take Contact .
Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:
• glimt vrij snel
• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien
• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels
• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel
• is relatief dik
• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden
• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes
Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.