What you need to know about cosmetic clay

Wat je moet weten over cosmetische klei

Clay or rather clays, are a natural source and contain numerous minerals. It is an age old ingredient from nature and does more than you think of your skin. Clay plays a significant role on earth and in human and animal life. In addition to industrial applications (especially the kaolin, the white clay) such as in ceramics, paper industry also has cosmetic applications for improving the skin.

Elements of clay

Chemically, clay belongs to the Kaolinites group or candies consisting of aluminum silicates containing metals and non-metals.

The most important elements are:
silicon, aluminum, titanium, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium.
then a long range of other elements is present in the form of trace elements.

There are different types of (colors) clay such as white, red, pink, green, yellow clays. The color depends on the presence of iron and the chemical state. If the iron is present in a certain state that is mentioned bivalent, the clays are green, while if the iron is present in another state that is named trivalent, the clay red colors.

White clays such as certain kaolin do not contain iron, or if they contain it, it is in a low percentage and a shape that cannot color the clay. Iron with a green color is a younger, immature clay and in a certain sense more active iron than iron with a red color.

Clays have always supervised man in his development through different civilizations. Clay is primarily known for ceramic applications while clay has incredibly many applications with health promoting properties. As a cosmetic application, they come into effect by adding water just before use. The water turns on the clay particles to bind tallows and toxins, for example. Science is it Again that clay fungi and bacteria can kill . It is not easy to find good research about specific clays. In This research It has been shown that green clay has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Animals apparently also know what is good for them. For example, American researchers discovered that the Are, a family of parrots in Peru, visit Kleibergen. They take clay to heal the poisonous substances from seeds that they eat too.

From cosmetical point of view, clays are rare natural substances with emulsifying properties. At the same time, clay can absorb hydrophilic substances such as water or aqueous plant extracts, like oils and fats such as olive oil or butter. Normally mix oil and water not well together but with clay they can form an emulsion to even a creamy homogeneous soft substance. This emulsifying style of clay is used, for example, to prepare compresses that contain both water and oils.

The mothers of the clays are rocks. Under the influence of rain and other atmospheric influences such as temperature changes, the rocks transform and various field pods are formed. Strictly speaking, clay is a feldspar.

Origin therapeutic cosmetic green clay

There are clays around the world and on every latitude, such as, for example, in France, England, Spain, Africa, America, Australia. The green clay such as Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics comes O.A. For in Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Sardinia and Sicily.

Aurora Dionis DermaCosmetics clay is certified Demeter, BDIH, ICEA and Ecocontrol Vegan.

Clay extraction quarry from Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics is located in Southern Italy in perfect conditions to preserve the original effect. These are a clean, sunny environment and fresh air access for ventilation. This clay is particularly due to its origin from sea water. The formation of the clay from this Italian quarry is estimated from a time between 7 and 16 million years ago. During that period many changes were on earth, so there was plenty of exchange between the elements to ultimately form a rich shifting to pure minerals. Pollution as we know it was not the case.
The ancient origin has been preserved by those specific conditions in this green clay. Every time the Aurora Dionis clay is used, the original, pure and powerful elements are released.

During the summer months, when the solar power is strong, the clay is dug out and dried in that intense sun. During excavation, the clay has a more blue color. As the sun flows the clay, it gets its green color. After this, the clay for Aurora Dionis in a special mill is ground into a very fine, almost impenetrable powder. This type of grinding is called the FINE type. To arrive at our high-end dermacosmetics, the clay pure highly concentrated organic aloe vera is added. This Aloe Vera contains no traces of Anthraquinone. This can give irritation. After further drying, it obtains its light gray color and is carefully packaged in our own laboratory setup.

Special to see is that as soon as the clay comes into contact with water it again shows the beautiful green tint. The water is trigger to let the trace elements and minerals do their beneficial effect.

Our high end green clay contains Aloe Vera

Clay is said to work dry. The multipurpose clay from Aurora Dionis contains the active green clay in combination with the O.A. softening effect of highly concentrated aloe vera. Read HERE more about our high-end Aloe Vera.
The multipurpose clay is extremely suitable for cleaning and supporting (also) the most sensitive skin. Allow a clay mask completely without additives is not often done but is sometimes desirable to stimulate complete blood flow. After inserting it is wetting with spacious water usage. We recommend that the skin then arranged with an aloe vera serum or gel and / or a nourishing oil.

Operation of the green clay of Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics:

  • cleaning
  • restore
  • calm
  • anti-inflammatory
  • protect
  • regenerate
  • natural anti-aging

Did you know that it placed on the hair the scalp and makes her clean and healthier? You see that back in the mirror. Furthermore, the green clay is also suitable for a foot bath. It relaxes and tired feet, regenerates the skin and protected places / wounds. The clay is highly recommended for skin that has been done by acne.

Aurora Dionis Multipurpose Clay buy

n ¡ 9 Multi purpose Clay - All Skin Types | Cleaning recovery enlightening.
All information from our 100% natural vegan multipurpose clay stands on the > product page in the webshop.

Look for use to all Applications for the clay and clay mask to achieve maximum result from the operation of the clay.

Want to know more about the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics green clay? Then click HERE .

Aurora Dionis DermaCosmetics products / ingredients have certifications such as: Allergycertified, Ecocert, Skal Bio Control, Demeter, BDIH, ICEA, Ecocontrol and Vegan.

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.