Give us your review

Geef ons jouw review

Our customer base is growing. And yet we don't always know what exactly appeals to you in our product or service. That means we ask for a fair review. This allows us to improve our products and services and help more people get a healthy skin balance!

Do you win the surprise?

Every month we raffle a surprise product among all customers who open and honestly answer the six questions and leave a Google review. Are you happy to be there? Then do it!

 Review aurora dionis dermacosmetics

We know that our customers are loyal supporters, but maybe you don't feel like answering questions. No need: Then leave via This link your Google review.
Another fast method to give a GooglerEview on your mobile is:
Go to GoogleMaps and type 'Aurora Dionis Skincare' as a destination. Tap us and scroll all the way down until you see the cup: "Review and review."

We are very grateful to you and you ensure that more people can find us easier in their search for a healthy skin balance!

Want to know more about what commerce does with dermacosmetics?

Skin problems increase. About half of the people suffer from sensitive skin more or less. While around 27% of adults in Europe have developed a skin allergy and that number is increasing. An important cause lies with the unnecessary additives in regular, and renowned, dermacosmetic products.

Thomas Rustemeyer, Professor of Dermatology Amsterdam UMC, in a broadcast that unnecessary additives play a significant role in skin allergic reactions. Click here for the full delivery of the monitor cosmetic products: What is in? And is that healthy?

Please let us know what you recognize from this monitor with Teun of the kitchen and Aurora Dionis itself.

What lubricate on your skin

Do you want safe skin care?

Our care products are 100% pure, natural and based on allergycertified ingredients. They calm the skin after which it can restore and improve.

to webshop aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.