Plastic packaging: Well or not?

Plastic verpakkingen: wel of niet?

When I went looking for the right packaging for my products, a world went open to me. I wanted Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics pack as sustainable as possible without returning to product quality and safety. That turned out to be quite difficult.

Creating packaging

First I didn't want any packaging material at all. It seemed like a beautiful and especially sustainable idea as customers came to the salon with their own bottles to fill them. Unfortunately that was not hygienic. If a refillable bottle is not good enough cleaned, the product can spoil and that is not intended. The industrial standard for clean production is simply a lot stricter than the household.

Then my preference went to glass bottles with a pump. Glass is a sustainable raw material because you can in principle reuse endlessly. However, the disadvantage of glass bottles with a pump system is that they are not airtight. Every time you pump, a little bit of air comes into the bottle, making the product oxidizes faster. With oxidation, active substances aging, so that they lose their power in the period that the product is used. Sometimes an oxidized and therefore 'outdated' natural product can even cause skin problems or worsen existing skin problems.

While I didn't intend, I still came out at Plastic. In Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics there is no preservative, so that airtight packaging is necessary. The aloe products do contain a root extracts that work conservative, but they are not so aggressive (and therefore effective) as 'ordinary' preservatives. To keep the products stable, it is important to not expose them to light or air. And the only way to pack airtight is (so far) with plastic.

To not fully specify my durable ideal, I have made a distinction in two parts of the packaging. The vial where the product is in is from 'Low Density polyethylene'. This type of plastic is seen as best to store fresh products. If the vial is warm, 'leaks' no plastic from the bottle in the product, which does happen to some other plastics. The vial with the product goes into a sturdy plastic sleeve with the logo of Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics. This part of the packaging is reusable, there can always be a new vial. So I guarantee product quality and my products cause less waste.

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.