Good ingredients are the basis

Goede ingrediënten zijn de basis

We all know that the success of every recipe is and falls with choosing the right ingredients. Whether it is an apple pie, a bookcase or a skin care product. With all these examples it is important to take good quality of ingredients. For an apple pie you want to use the good ingredients for a healthy and especially tasty cake. With a bookcase you want to use good wood and screws so that it doesn't collapse.

Skin care products

Also in skin care products this is much more important than many people think. Certainly if you are aware of your health (eg also nutrition), you know that your skin also absorbs substances in the body. Then you want to know for sure that what you lubricate is also pure and fresh and can also work optimally.


When developing my product line, it is important that I can give a guarantee with regard to the freshness and purity of the products. So I went looking for pure and fresh ingredients without additives.

When searching for a producer for, for example, the oils that I want to use, I note that the oil is fresh, pure and non-refined or deodorized. As many know, a cold pressing ensures that the positive and natural properties of the oil remain unaffected. What many people do not know is that adding a scent to a product can lead to skin irritations or allergies.

Some allergies only emerged over time so that it is all the more difficult to find out where it stands out (unfortunately I know from our own experience). Since the oils that I use for the Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics products are quickly absorbed by the skin, the possible scent will be placed within a few seconds. In other words, adding smell is not necessary so I don't do it.

In addition, oil is sometimes mixed with cheaper oils. How often did I have not owned with a bottle of oil in which the oil on the label was only a small part of the contents of the bottle (and the rest sunflower oil or something like that).

I also like it Important that the oil is organic. Pesticides that are used in agriculture end up in the product. Since the idea of __lubricating pesticides on my skin (although the amount still at least) is not really attracting me, biological ingredients are a hard condition for me.


To ensure that the ingredients meet my (high) requirements, I have been looking for the right producers for years. In addition to the considerations that I had, freshness is also of great importance. After all, old oil becomes 'rancid', especially if it is sold in a wrong (not airtight) packaging. That's why I searched for producers where I could also order small quantities so that freshness can be guaranteed.

I also buy my ingredients directly at the producer. In this way I can check whether the certificates are original, references questions and I have more insight into the method of the producer. I have learned what documents must request from the producer to see what the product really contains.

I once requested information at a well-known European producer of a widely sold pure and organic oil. I was very shocked when I saw this analysis on paper. This oil was mixed, not biologically, not cold pressed, genetically modified, deodised and full of essential oils.

The latter may need some explanation. In some cases, essential oils can make a positive contribution (in limited and diluted use on the skin). However, in my experience, it is more common that the skin responds allergic to this or that, in combination with the sun, the skin stains can arise. As a result, I have chosen not to use essential oils so that the products of Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics can be used by everyone without problems.

The search continues ...

It has been a very long search before I had found the right ingredients for my care products. I first tested many products on myself with varying and sometimes less pleasant results. I continued to deepen in the results of scientific research in order to gain the knowledge about what didn't work on the skin. Not only the properties of a certain oil are important, the production process is at least as important. Today I pick the benefits of this investment, I have the knowledge to choose the right ingredients for my products.

My search is not over, probably doesn't this end? I keep looking so that I have sufficient options as an existing producer would fall out. In addition, I also continuously look at new ingredients for the further development of my product line. I think it is very important to continue to guarantee the quality of my products.

For questions, comments or additional information, mail to Info @

About Aurora

Aurora Dionis started in 2008 with Aurora Skin Care . She believes that everyone deserves a skin in optimum condition and therefore it is her mission to help people get or retain smooth, trouble-free skin. In a search for a solution to its own skin problems, Aurora continuously investigates the effects of natural ingredients on skin problems. She has developed her own product line: Aurora Dionis Dermacosmetics.

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.