Apple vinegar cosmetics for hair and skin?

Appelazijn cosmetica voor haar en huid?

Apple vinegar, natural cosmetics

What you can do for your skin and her

Maybe you have ever read about the wonderful effect of apple cider vinegar for her and skin? This way it would help against psoriary, acne or a very dry skin and flakes. Also the simple kitchen food would make hair soft and shiny.

What does apple vinegar?

Apple vinegar is rich in trace elements and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, fluorine, silicon, iron, copper and magnesium. It also contains a large amount of sugars, tannin, acids, vitamins and pectin (useful for blood circulation). This makes apple cider vinegar an important anti-oxidant, collapse contracting and balances the natural acidity of the skin and the hair, if used properly.

Apple vinegar test

I am in favor of the use of natural products and I like to give tips when it comes to cheap, to make self media that help to reduce skin problems. That is why I have done a test with apple vinegar last week and its effect on my skin. Only in this way can I determine whether the claims are true and I can also recommend them. I have carried out the test together with a sweet customer who suffers from rosacea and perioral dermatitis, so inflammatory skin. I, on the other hand, have more problems with eczema and acne, so that the regulation of tall plays an important role.

In both cases, vinegar could offer theoretical lighting due to the low acidity (pH value slightly below 4.5, our skin has a pH value between 4.5 and 5.5), whereby the acid sheath of the skin can restore itself .

My client used the vinegar diluted with water, I purely. We brought it on the skin with a cotton pad after cleaning.

We have used organic apple vinegar that is not pasteurized and filtered and also contains no sulfites or other E numbers (available from the organic store.

What was the result with the test apple vinegar?

In both cases, the skin immediately felt soft, smooth and good bloody in the beginning (this is probably due to the pectin).

The scent is predominant and getting used to, but my client didn't bother because she had diluted it.

However, after 3 days use by my client and after 5 days use by me, our skin became irritated, which exit in red bumps. This can mean that the skin has become too acidic.

However, pimples in my neck, however, disappeared at lightning speed by depping with apple cider vinegar.

My tip is therefore:

You can safely use the apple vinegar (only the biological!) but then diluted well with a tablespoon on half liter of tap water, you can mix this in an empty spa blue bottle). I would then use it as a couple of a few days and just apply in the evening to make the skin smoother and fresher.

While it is good to look at the hydrogenium pound or too pH value. The pH value says something about the acidity. For example, lower than 7 pH is acidic and higher than 7ph call you basic. Apple vinegar has a pH of 3. See photo 1.a

With me, our tap water has a pH 8, while if I add a full organic tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, the pH value goes to 4, to 4.5.

Other applications with apple cider vinegar

I also tried these masks / peelings below. I can recommend this - if not too often applied - especially those with apple vinegar and ventilated Clay (from Aurora Dionis Skin Care): Cleansing and enlightening!

Natural Scrub
Mix a teaspoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon with finely ground almonds, 1 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and a drop of lemon. Gently massage the mixture on your face that is moistened with hot water. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Soft peeling
Mix hot water, a teaspoon of apple vinegar and ventilated Clay (from Aurora). The mixture must be very liquid. Apply to your face and leave for approximately 5 minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water. This mask is suitable for people with melasma or lentigo solaris (brown pigmentation on the skin are interpreted by the sun), acne and comedones. The apple cider vinegar helps to trigger the skin thanks to its adstringent properties.

Body / Bath
Fill a container with hot water and add 1 spoon of apple vinegar per liter of water. Then clean the skin with a sponge over the entire body and let the skin dry themselves, so don't dry a towel.

You can also take a bath with apple cider vinegar: pour a glass into the bath and a few spoons of baking salt. Such a bath disinfects the skin and is also suitable for certain skin inflammation. Furthermore, this bath makes the skin hydrated and fresh.

Apple vinegar also helps to accelerate the healing process of the herpes simplex virus. The result of Herpes Simplex usually takes about 10 days. With undiluted apple vinegar, this period is shortened to approximately 3 days! Deplet the infected place several times a day with vinegar and especially in the evening so that it can work all night. Seen that the pH of vinegar is too low is very important to restore the pH value. I myself use my Sas, Aloe Vera Serum. See also tip with The magic baking salts here < / a> And how I recover the pH of the skin.

glossy and healthy hair
by flushing the hair after washing with apple cider vinegar restores the acidity of the hair and the scalp immediately. As a result, the hair becomes shiny and easier to comb. It also helps to fight rose, seborreazsch Eczema and itching. The itchy scalp can also be reduced by dipping the comb in a solution of water and apple vinegar and combing the hair.

Apple vinegar is also useful against head lice! Let those chemical anti-luis shampoo stand and immerse the hair after washing in a bowl of water with vinegar and rinse.

I wish you a lot of fun and success with the simple and effective material with apple cider vinegar!

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.