Aurora Story

Aurora Story

aurora dionis, born and raised in Italy, has been living in the Netherlands since 1986 and developed a 100% natural vegan skin care. She is certified medical beautician and product developer.

She knows what it is to have a skin that doesn't feel comfortable, she himself had years of skin problems. Aurora Dionis Skincare offers effective vegan treatment and care from dermatological expertise and suitably different skin problems. For some skin problems it can compile a fully customized treatment and care product and can work together with your practitioner such as a dermatologist.

With myself many skin problems, she wondered how it would be to have a skin that feels nice and looked carefully. After 15 years of all kinds of skin products to have tried out without success she thought. What does that products do not work or insufficient work? This should be better! That conclusion was the start of developing Derma cosmetic skin care that has been positively tested by laboratories and many people. All products are based on scientific literature and its many years of experience. The series of products are suitable for all skin types and various skin problems.

Biologically grown aloe vera and high-quality cold-pressed oils form the basis of the high-end product line. Because the Aloe Vera is highly concentrated, it is very effective. The active elements remain stored with the cold presses of the high-quality oils.
There are no perfume or other preservatives in Aurora's products. The preservative effect is achieved by working hygienic and sterile and packing airtight. In addition, there is a root extract in the Aloe products. This extract together with a natural peptide are a natural probiotic for the skin and antibacterial effect and combat fungi and viruses. In short, a natural solution that is good for the skin and shelf life of the product.

In the meantime, hundreds of satisfied customers fan of Aurora's products and the brand is even a little hip! That's not surprising, because Aurora Dionis stands for:

Expertise - Aurora is qualified and specialized in two disciplines: dermatology and cosmetology. In her practice people come up with a variety of complaints helped with a purely natural effective approach. She knows a lot of skin, skin reactions and of cosmetics products. She doesn't sell nonsense, but solutions.

Sustainability - Aurora is very committed to humans and the environment. Her deepest motivation is helping people to get rid of their skin problems. The ingredients in its products are vegetable, biological certified, not genetically modified and sit in refillable packaging.

Diversity - Aurora is born and raised in Sardinia and now lives in the Netherlands for 30 years. Whoever you are, whatever you do, Aurora knows how much impact has a non healthy skin balance on someone's mind. In addition, they know that customers from different countries and cultures also help with their skin care also tailored to the Dutch climate. Her warm personality and love for the box rays on everyone in her area.

Read more about the vegan medical Beauty salon

Huidtype: Vet

Kenmerken van een vet huidtype op een rijtje:

• glimt vrij snel

• de poriën zijn duidelijk te zien

• toont op latere leeftijd rimpels

• kan na reinigen droog, trekkerig aanvoelen en glimt daarna weer snel 

• is relatief dik 

• heeft sneller last van puistjes en/of onzuiverheden

• heeft geregeld zwarte puntjes

Het gebruik van probiotica, alfahydroxyzuur (AHA), silicium, magnesium, vetzuren en cermamidem helpen de vette huid herstellen en de poriën verfijnen van de huidstructuur.